Brighton SLSC offers the opportunity to compete in the following surf sports areas:
Thhe Brighton Surf Club Junior swimming program is located at Immanuel College’s 25m swimming pool. The program is suitable for junior club members who have completed a learn to swim school program or can complete the club swim without stopping and are looking to improve their skills and fitness.
The focus of the program is on freestyle technique and fitness with the aim to improve each junior member’s swimming ability. The program also acts at a progression into competitive swim club programs, such as Unley Swimming Club. Parents/carers and adult members are welcome also.
The beach events include distance running on the sand (1 and 2 km), beach sprints (90m), beach flags and beach relays (4x beach sprint teams). The sand adds a completely different challenge to normal athletics events, and can be great cross-training for aspiring athletes. The beach flags although appearing at first sight as a ‘novelty event’, is one of the hardest fought competitions in all of the surf life saving competitions.
Taking on the surf as a board paddler or surf ski paddler is one of the most challenging things you can do – racing out into the waves and then coming back, trying to catch the biggest waves first, hold on when they break and come home in front, is a fantastic experience. It requires surf knowledge, surf skills, strength and fitness, including some beach running in and out of the water, and everyone has a chance given the unpredictability of the waves.
Board and ski training is conducted several times a week.
Surfboat racing is one of the most remarkable sports within Surf Life Saving competitions. This high adrenaline sport is filled with thrills and spills that make it one of the most visually spectacular surf sports. Surf specialized boats are crewed by four rowers and steered by a sweep. Racing replicates a surf rescue scenario by starting with boats lined up at the beach. Racing begins when the starter gun goes off and the rowers have to enter the boat and commence their journey out to sea.
The surf boats must punch their way through perilous surf and swell in order to reach their hapless victim, replicated by a turning buoy. After conducting a turn, crews head back to shore by navigating the surf and catching a wave whilst the sweep keeps the boat travelling straight.
The race is won when the first boat crosses the finish line.
The Brighton SLSC have a strong Masters team whose focus is on fun and fitness. You can compete in Masters from the age of 30 and we have team members still competing in their 70's!!
Many of our team train in the pool as part of Masters Swimming Clubs or come down to the beach for the weekly 4pm club swim.
There is a dedicated Masters board training session on Sunday's, plus other opportunities to train through the week on board and ski.
Lifesaving events highlight the skills involved in rescue, resuscitation and first aid and include:
Inflatable Rescue Boats (IRB's)are now the most common means of rescue, particularly for swimmers caught in Rips. It’s not surprising that a whole new area of competition has developed for IRBs, which enables our IRB drivers and crew to hone their skills in the surf.
Brighton has a strong IRB team, which competes over the Winter months at beaches around the State.
Nipper and Senior March Past teams compete through the Summer season.