Surf Life Savings SA (SLSSA) is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all its members and is dedicated to providing  best practice approach to ensure a safe environment for those participating in surf lifesaving activities.

SLSSA adopts and enforces the Member Protection Policy which sets out SLS's commitment to ensure that every person involved in SLS is treated with respect and dignity and protected from Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment and Abuse. It also seeks to ensure that everyone involved in SLS is aware of their legal and ethical rights and responsibilities, as well as the standards of behaviour that are expected of them. 

To assist with the delivery of this policy, Brighton SLSC has two people nominated and approved at the Annual General Meeting. They were previously referred to at "Member's Reps" and are now referred to as MPIOs.  

Member Protection Information Officers (MPIOs) provide information and guidance on complaint procedures and are the first point of call for any enquiries, concerns or complaints about harassment, abuse or other inappropriate behaviour. The MPIO will:

  • Provide information on possible ways to resolve the issue
  • Offer moral support to the person who raises the concern or the person who is the subject of the alleged behaviour
  • Treat all information as strictly confidential
  • Remain impartial
  • Document all reports and concerns
  • Not investigate or mediate complaints

Brighton SLSC MPIO's can be contacted via:

Brighton SLSC welcomes people from different cultures, religions and abilities. We uphold the SLSA Inclusion and diversity policy

For more information regarding member protection you can visit the SLSSA website